“what does letting go actually look like?“.

When you find yourself attached, remember that 'letting go' is not 'getting rid' or 'throwing away'. It is just like holding a clock and letting go of it doesn't mean that we need to throw it. It is something about the way we grasp the clock. There is no point in throwing it because it is a good clock after all. It keeps good times and not heavy to carry around. All we need to do it to lay it aside, put it down gently, pick it up again when we need to see the time then lay it aside when necessary.
But 'How do we let go?' Well for me, you just have to let go. Yes we will get so much frustrated at first but we need to accept the fact that the pain demands to be felt and we need to get used to it. If you try to analyze letting go in detail, you will just caught yourself making it too complicated. It is not something that you need to figure out by words but on something you actually did. There will be time in your life that you will get tired of suffering and overthinking. By then, your mind and body will just voluntarily seek to find something that will make you happy and contented again. Yes, you will get lost in the process but you need to keep on track and have faith that everything will be just fine. It is time to love yourself again.
Japanese people tend to put broken pieces together with gold just to remind us that there's still beauty in brokenness. Never fail to fall apart because it represents opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you'd been all along.
It is not about what letting go looks like. It is about what it feels like. It is the release of the attachment to a certain outcome. We cannot control the manifestation and the timing. We CAN control our thoughts and the need to force or control the outcome. We CAN let go and believe that everything is always working towards our highest and greatest good in perfect peace.